This project is about CONNECTION:
Connections between Jefferson parking structure and USC campus
Connections between building and environment, building and people
Connections among people
This design is based on the study of “USC Masterplan For 2030”. In 2006, USC embarked on a formal planning process to ensure the University Park campus’s stewardship and its surrounding neighborhoods through the year 2030. Based on this masterplan, JEFFERSON BLVD will narrow down to a two-lane road, and the sidewalk will be pedestrian-friendly, which is one of the main goals of this design.
The programmatic and spatial concept is SAVAGERY and PLAYFULNESS. The goal is to: Create a strong connection with campus and Jefferson Blvd; Activate the place and make it the communal and recreational core of the district; Create a pedestrian-friendly environment and easy access; Create green open space. 

Automated Parking System

Building Exploded View

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